Web Design, Murals, Fine Art, Faux Finishing

Dru Blair Photo Realism January 25th-28th 2012

Dru Blair Art Class

Details for the Dru Blair airbrush class after the Open Decor Show

Photo Realism

January 25th-28th, 2012


This is a 4 day class after the Open Decor Show with Internationally renowned artist/instructor Dru Blair. The photo below is the subject of study and yes this is an actual airbrush painting on photorealism and not a photograph (incredible huh?)

Dru Blair Art entry level to photorealism
Not a photograph, Dru Blair Art

Yes I thought the same thing, anyway….

The class includes all paints and materials to complete a rendition of this study including a day on mixing color and familiarizing yourself with the airbrush if you have not used one before. Even if you have experience with the airbrush I would still suggest taking notes because Dru does have some unique techniques.

Studio Location:


Naples Bonita Faux Finishing and Mural Resource
Art-Faux Studio Bonita Springs Fl 239 417 1888

There are several very nice hotel accommodations in the area and I will work on getting the best price possible so be sure to check this page regularly and if anything changes you will be notified via email.

Hotel Locations Nearby:


I am always on the hunt for better hotel pricing for the students from out of town as well as car rental deals, restaurant incentives including a number of other things to try and make the stay here in Southwest Florida as comfortable as possible. Then again just being here in the middle of winter sitting on the beach enjoying the sand and surf while others are scraping ice and snow off their sidewalks this time of year is only one of many reasons why I have lived here since 1987.

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