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Faux Finishing

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    • #10413
      Arthur Morehead

        Faux Finishing (painting) What is it?

        Surely a topic I have answered repeatedly in my past 40 years in the painting industry.

        However sometimes it’s a simple as a rag wash or can be as complicated as a high level painting of marble and/or wood graining. The techniques go back hundreds of years and passed down through generations of knowledgeable craftsmen and artists. Nearly everything you see today will have some kind of degree of it.

        In this topic of Art-Faux Forum feel free to ask what you would like to know as this is just another topic of service offered from yours truly and not from the Facebook parade of …..well you know what I mean

      • #10496
        Arthur Morehead

          Faux Finishing, What is it?
          I feel that I need to write something here as a blank page drives me over the edge sometimes, So I’ll just let anyone who jumps in here can write about most anything they want as long as we keep it clean
          The idea behind this is to help those who run into problems and are look for solution to a unsettling predicament. Dont worry we’ve all been there at one time or another and you haven’t you will be one day. In this business anything can happen and it does. lmao

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