Skimming Drywall | Apples to Apples?
Ask An Artist
A Lesson learned by consumers and new home buyers.
A video by Peck Drywall and Painting
140 Tomahawk Dr. Indian Harbour Beach, Florida (FL) 32937 Telephone: 321-777-9337
It’s amazing how things have changed for Skimming Drywall application methods and materials for a level 5 drywall finish.
For the last 40 years it used to be “hardcoat lime plaster” was specified for a level 5 application which was done by “skreeting” the longer walls with a
8 to 10 ft. aluminum straight edge.
However these days a bucket of drywall mud and a heavy nap paint roller is acceptable.
as long as you achieve the correct “millage” (thickness) over the sheet rock (gypsum board)

This is the type of finish that is required by most decorative artists (faux finishers) and muralists.
When the walls are properly painted with a good primer and two coats of 100% acrylic interior grade paint (no cheap stuff) you get a complete professional job which is rare in today’s new construction and/or remodel market.
This kind of work MUST be specified/qualified by the consumer in writing (under contract) Otherwise this type of work is not done in production type (spec homes) This type of work has become known as “Blow and Go” and ends up with many unhappy and/or surprised “Home Owners” BE SURE YOU KNOW WHAT YOU’RE Getting!!!!! Great Job Paul !!!!
It’s guys like us who make these videos that can be used to educate the average consumer to learn about the difference of why “prices” are so maddening higher and lower and why they’re not seeing an actual comparison
when it comes to “Apples to Apples”
and not “Watermelons to Beans” LOL
A very good example of this is done in this
video by Mr Paul Peck of Peck Drywall and Painting in Indian Harbour Beach Fl
Mr.Peck inspired me when I ran across his YouTube DIY videos several years ago. It’s not very often that you run across a well made video such as his and someone who really does care about the industry and where it’s going. With the increase of unskilled labor and shoddy (cheap) workman ship it sure is nice for this old fart to see that there are a few of these guys still out here fighting and giving it their all to compete with the fly by nighters and scammers that the state has been over ran with in the last 10 or 15 years.
Why am I writing this article?
It just so happens that due to my health failing me (legs) a couple of years ago it finally dawned on me that I had to step down off the high ladders and scaffold work and stay grounded. Needless to say it broke my heart because I really loved to climb to do the work that was specified of me to do This knocked the shit right out of my ego and at age 52 it really pissed me off and left me PO at the world as to “Why Now?” So now all I do is paint decorative art and murals on canvas and a variety of other art forms.
This pretty much destroyed my income by 70 to 80% and I went through some dramatic changes and found that I had to reinvent myself. I think the worse of it was the amount of depression and denial I went through was the most painful part of it even though I knew some day it was going to happen like it or not (It is hereditary)
However I still have a passion for helping others. Long story short as many of you already know. My life did a 180 and left me holding the shit end of the proverbial stick.
So I decided I can still be active in the industry by helping and teaching others who really need the help and decided to write interviews and do promotional videos and start a private membership site for those who qualify to join and get down to some serious business for creatives, artists and business owners who have been screwed by the greed of the social media companies (which I wont name)
The trust in the internet has all but been destroyed for what was once a very active source for referrals that were so abundant at one time. I use to get at least 7 to 8 referrals a week. But now I get next to nothing as I believe that local consumers have come full circle and trusting the Old School Way of locally printed advertising Which of course is a whole other discussion I will leave for the forums.
If anyone is interested in joining the forums I will leave a link below as I have a limited time introductory price going for anyone who wants to join and participate in the building the membership site which has many perks for joining, like personal profiles Your own gallery private forums to meet with your customer, Streaming Live Art Classes, Even marketing material.
Please Join Us and get away from the craziness of Social Media’s Trolls, Spammers, Scammers who try to sell you rubbish that you don’t need. After all they have to get through me first
Please Join Us
Maybe I can write a post about you and your business
See you on page one,
just give this post a day or two and
use the search term (on Google) using the keywords “Skimming Drywall, Apples to Apples” and/or
“Skimming Drywall, Indian Beach Harbour”