Marketing Innovative
Painting Designs?
Is more marketing innovative
painting designs needed in Naples Fl?
I just feel that its a better use of my time
then worrying about slow sales.
I have tried everything I know of.
And really all I can do at this point is just continue to write and maybe hit a nerve somewhere out there.

there has been quite a lot going on for the local Naples Fl area as far as artists musicians and entertainment,
but I can’t help but notice the masked looks that have fallen on
many of the creative’s faces in reaction to the events.
I feel that this journey has become an illusion of sorts in such a way
that we are stuck in the same bullshit way of doing things
over and over again as in how
the Beatles described it in the song
“Nowhere Man”
As I have said in one of my articles I had written long ago when going through the same rut that I am now, it brings back the statement of my good friend and mentors Melissa E. Taylor of Washington D.C said to me that I don’t care how you do it, you have to strap your stuff on your back and get out there and do it.
Is it possible today that no one is seeing anything in the art of today? Could this also be the reason why that sales are so slow that even collectors are noticing the same thing? We need to evaluate a few things and one is to realize that these guys were marketing geniuses. The idea of having a good marketing plan and to be very innovative was and still is a credit to their success. These guys feared nothing when it came to this innovation thing.

Innovation hmmm Grab yourself a cup of tea and sit down let’s look at the definition for a moment from
tending to innovate, or introduce something new or different; characterized by innovation.
There are many important things to look at when it comes to marketing a small business and artists. You artists and creatives didn’t think I was going to leave you guys out of this gauntlet did you? This especially applies to you guys as well. I also know it bores the hell out of you. It takes a lot more than just a pretty website to sell art. With a membership to my site I can help you with that and the marketing SEO of your art gallery, shopping cart, and a few other things, but first, let’s get back to this thing called innovation
As I sit here and contemplate this thought I go back in my mind to think of some of the ways I had got into trouble as a kid because of how creative and innovated I was as a child, after all, I was the terror of the neighborhood if I got a piece of chalk and/or charcoal in my hand let alone paint of any kind.

Now that I am feeling a little more relaxed from having my tea I think I will continue with this attack on the grammar of the English language and hopefully, I don’t lose you. I have been getting a lot of it lately.
We will be having many discussions on this subject of Innovative Marketing coming up in the forums and how to implement many ways of doing so. We may even do I Live show on the subject just watch for my events listings and sign up for the newsletter to stay informed. Remember your insights and ideas are always welcomed Here is a link to our membership levels
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