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Discover the Naples International Film Festival & “The Cove”

Being an artist in Southwest Florida has been a very uplifting experience for me since I moved here in 1987 and I have always loved the beauty, charm and the many talented people who live here. There is no other place on earth like it and I am very proud to be part of it.  Naples and SWFL has always been known to be a very artistic oriented community but has mainly has focused on fine artists, sculptors, glass artists, and many other kinds of artists who are part of the unique culture here in SWFL.

I have been trying to bring recognition to the art of decoration, by holding seminars at the International Design Center in Estero and doing as much public speaking on behalf of decorative artists whenever and where ever I can, because quite simply, recognition for the many talented muralists, plaster artists, decorative artists do not get the exposure that is deserved within our community and I aim to change all that during the course of 2010.

Naples has really changed artistically because of the efforts of a couple of new organizations that have developed over the last few years which has brought some great exposure to some very talented local artists who simply would not have received the recognition they have had it not been for two local organizations in which I make mention of here. The first being The Naples International Film Festival and the second I will post a seperate blog for in the coming days.

The curators,  contributors,  sponsors and the many volunteers of this organization have done a tremendous job in recent months to bring some of the most talented individuals together to help produce a variety of controversial subjects that should be seen. Together with local talent it has been very encouraging for our local artists.

One such film that has drawn my attention is “The Cove”, and in my opinion was an ingenious way to bring forth to the world of what is happening and what could happen with the clandestine slaughtering of one of natures most beautiful and mysterious creatures on earth for shear profit and greed. This film was written in a way to where not only does it keep you on edge but it also keeps you focused on the dangers  of what the message is that they are trying to get across. They even have went to the extremes of risking their own lives to get some actual footage and proof of what kind of cruelty that is happening in our world that through a certain kind of influence has managed to stay under cover for years.

As an artist,  I respect all of nature and the beauty and mystery that it holds for us to discover, and to see it be destroyed because of shear greed is very heart wrenching to me. Some would call me a “bleeding heart” and maybe I am, but one thing I am very thankful for, is the good Lord has also given me a voice and the courage to be able to speak out and express my anger for the unjust way of how some that I wouldn’t even acknowledge as part of the human race are treating something as innocent and as beautiful as the dolphin………

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