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Tattoo Wall an Italian mural concept

Updated post May, 06 2012 for the Tattoo wall an Italian mural concept when something very weird had happened.

When I hit the publish button the Tatoo Wall class disappeared into cyberspace, and I mean disappeared.

The Italian mural install wasn’t even in the recovery or back-up files associated with this wordpress operation and this is the 2nd time in a few months that this has happened to me.

Makes me wonder if I have gremlins working overtime.  So anyway here I am starting all over again because I told a certain few I would have Tattoo Wall an Italian Mural Concept published today.

Class Picture

Learning this Italian Mural concept started when an artist friend of mine PJ Hoover of Fauxtastic Dream Scapes had came across Tattoo Wall and how the transferring of digital imagery onto what was called a Tattoo Wall print. This is not a new concept because I have seen others doing this out west in Las Vegas and a couple of other areas. But this was different, and when I saw what PJ had from the first class in our area I was not only curious but also skeptical at the same time.

Below Henri Menedez of Dehueldes Designs in Atlanta Ga. with Rebecca from Ft Myers Fl. applying the first panel of the Italian mural image. An actual photograph taken of a stone designs by Matrix-Z  Stone & Tile in Ft Lauderdale and Barbara Zigann and then transformed into an Italian mural. The gang at Matrix-Z were very helpful in setting things up for the Tattoo Wall class.

Rebecca and Henri working together on the wall sizing
Rebecca and Henri working together on the wall sizing

I started to do some investigating on this “New Patented Italian mural concept” system and learned that it was developed and manufactured in Italy and after discussing the possibilities of what could be done with this Kerri Mehan of Expressionsof Art invited me to attend the Ft Lauderdale class.

Of course I am a skeptic when it comes to new products and materials that come into our industry. Many of the new products just have not been on the market long enough to really know what is going to happen with them over a period of 5 years. I don’t use anything unless the manufacturer can prove to me that it has been tested against the elements for a length of time.

Well apparently this Italian mural concept has been in development for a number of years in Italy and has been used there for a very long time. I believe I was told some where around 10 years or so, but you will have to verify that. I know we’re only talking about decorative art and Italian murals here but I always inform  my clients of what I know about a product before I make it available to them. I have more than 30 years in the paint business and I make sure that when I install anything that everything is understood although I think it may be a little difficult to explain the Tattoo Wall part.

The gang
The gang

Anyway, after Pj had taken the class she brought all her samples to the local chapter of The International Decorative Artisans League  and when I saw the Tattoo Wall samples I thought that it was pretty convincing Italian mural. So of course I inundated her with questions as to the process and I have to admit that there was definitely something here that I needed to investigate more. I always look for something new and different but to me and more importantly  the quality had to be there as well.

Gaia is a great instructor
Gaia is a great instructor

Gaia was very thorough in explaining the Tattoo Wall application and with me firing all the questions I had at her I am surprised that she was able to still concentrate on the others at the same time. (I must admit sometimes I can overwhelm the instructors).

Bobby Pesare and I worked together
Bobby Pesare and I worked together

Under the watchful eye of Gaia of My Architexture  I am with Bobby Pesare  owner of Timeless World Design in Ocala Fl. We worked together on the install of the Italian mural and on next Tattoo wall panel that went up. Although it’s a little tricky at first it really is a simple process for an experienced artist. With the right guidance a novice can also succeed with the application but should have at least some kind of experience in DIY home projects such as having some painting and/or wall paper experience.

Bobby was a lot of fun to work with
Bobby was a lot of fun to work with

I had a lot of fun working with everyone installing Tattoo Wall’s Italian mural concept and Bobby is a real pro when it comes to knowing what to do and when, here he is making sure I don’t make him look bad.

Finished image
Finished image

Here is the finished Tattoo Wall Italian mural image we all had a hand in and Gaia made sure everybody got their hands into every aspect of the work right down to the touching up the join lines. She is a fabulous instructor and hand paints Italian murals herself. In the Tattoo Wall class she also talked about pricing the work and the process of manufacturing and how the 3M company was involved in the quality of the backing used for the medium.

I am a huge fan of 3M products weather its just painting or applying a Tattoo Wall Italian mural decorative technique. As I am sure a lot of you know who are reading this, and you know who you are, when it comes to saving a few dollars to buying the cheaper brands it will usually end up costing you more in labor to fix the things that the cheaper products fail to perform at and always regret saving that couple of extra dollars.

This was a great Tattoo Wall class and I was glad that I was invited to participate by Kerri Mehan of Expression of Art. I think that having this Italian mural concept as another tool in the ever expanding tool box will be an asset to me as well as my clients. I will be helping Kerri with a promotional install and will be writing about this one as well because this is going to be a very special project which the details I will reveal once it happens. For this Tattoo wall Italian mural install shows the possibilities of what could happen with this additional tool and what doors it could open for the decorative art industry as well as the digital arts, photography, paper hangers, and who ever else I cant think of at the moment. It took both PJ Hoover and Kerri Mehan to convince me to really take a serious look at this concept and this patented system that has been developed and I must say that I am convinced that there is definitely a place for this in the decorative arts and digital imagery markets. Tattoo Wall gives the ability to install Italian murals in places where time is a factor and also when photography and computer graphics is the media of choice.

So if you want to stay informed of what we are doing next  with Tattoo Wall an Italian Mural Concept sign up for my newsletter below because it really will surprise you!  It surprised me when I found out….

3 thoughts on “Tattoo Wall an Italian mural concept”

  1. Hello Arthuer
    Thanks a lot for sending these great ideas which helped me a lot in redecorating my new house and helped my friends in Syria
    with best regards

  2. Hey Arthur, enjoyed the read. The conversation you, Henri, gaia & myself had in the library,@ the very end, I think had a lot of great points to it.She asked for our input, (pro & con ). I’ll forward the e-mail I sent to her, & let me know what you think, thanks for your time, Bobby

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