The word marbling is in Turkish EBRU (cloud, cloudy) or abru (Water face) (En Français. It is derived from the word ebre which belongs to one of the older Central Asian languages and it means the “moiré, veined fabric, paper etc…” used for covering some manuscripts and other holy books. Its origin might ultimately hark back to China, where a document from the T’ang dynasty (618-907) mentions a process of coloring paper on water with five hues. Through the Silk Road this art came first to …
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27 thoughts on “Turkish Islamic art of Marbling (Ebru)”
Waw !! I knew the technique but this video is sooo beautiful !!! Thanks for sharing, Art.
You’re very welcome Marie
I am on a quest for the next couple of months to bring a lot of attention to various art forms. I want everyone to see how far we all can go as artists and how there are no limitations to what we can do!
@sharmanti: You would think that, but not really. I work in a museum & occasionally do marbling as a drop-in craft for kids & often adults. I think the nature of color floating on liquid makes it hard to mess up. There is such beauty in the nature of it. Obviously, no one is making anything near what you see in this video, but unless one gets in & stirs the heck out of the paint like they’re mixing cake batter, it turns out and pulling the paper is like watching fireworks–oohs & ahhs!
Amazing. It brought back such beautiful, creative memories of Turkey.
Muhteşem. Tek kelimeyle muhteşem.
Belki de icratı en zor sanatlardan biridir Ebru sanatı… ama yapılırken izlemesi müthiş bir keyif.
batman7003 bu video’yu eklediğin için tşkler, ellerin dert görmesin. marvelous. stunning. all the s*t*a*r*s to you batman7003 !
Wow, this is amazing.
Amazing and Beautiful video
is very cool
Thats amazing and so theraputic to watch.
If everyone in the world saw this video and understood the wonders of all cultures arts, then the world would be a better place for everyone. Truely magnificent video.
Make art, not war.
Very nice and soothing, my introduction to this style…thank you.
This is amazing! Beautifully Done!
beautyfull tecnique a very beautyfull art
really nice video! and such a beautiful music 🙂 i really enjoyed it.
Super !!!
Helal Be
this is really beatufil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Osmanli is the bestttttttt
Bu video yu izlemeden önce morelim bozuktu video yu izledim beni rahatlattı ekleyen arkadaşa tşk ler.
Sanat bu…
Practice what you preach bro, such a beautiful video and u find reasons for anger.
How do they do this, add inks to water then use a paper to transfer it out?
thats really cool. I am turkish and all my friends in us want to learn it. It is not really hard to learn.