Luster Stone Meets High Fashion
Waterside Shops in Naples Fl., Why didn’t I post this commercial wall covering remodel last year?
I’ll explain it here, take a look at how the little guy gets it
So as I continue it goes to show how much in demand that the Luster Stone is these days and it just continues to grow in popularity. When I was first contacted by the architect on this project it was suppose to go as a more on a promotional basis type of job in which high fashion clothier Isabella was taking over the commercial space at the Waterside Shops located in Naples Fl.

Of course I must have a huge target on my back as these kind of jobs never work out the way they are planned in the beginning and the one doing the work is the one who is left holding the proverbial bag. Naturally I end up being the chosen one to see the epitome of the business owners acting out The White Rabbit’s infamous “Oh my, I’m late, I’m late, I’m late and I can’t never be late” kind of freak out about the grand opening from the store owners like in the epic of Alice in Wonderland adventure. You will hear me refer to this little story of madness as it does work for me when I want to escape to the other side of the mirror myself on days where nothing seems right, after all the Mad Hatter has the answers for everything, or so it seems.

I am not going to go into all the promotional and marketing opportunities that were suppose to have come out of this job due to the fact that it became complicated as far as liability, lease agreement and rules with the management of Waterside Shops and the powers at be with the Isabella higher ups. I suppose if I would have stood my ground like I would normally do in situations like this, more than likely I would have won but rather than do that I was able to change a few things around in my schedule and basically made it happen the way they wanted it to and made everyone happy except for me of course, but hey those are the sacrifices we as business owners must make sometimes.

I do know the quality of the pictures are of not the greatest on the above two close ups but the lighting was really difficult for a novice photo guy like myself to shoot being that some of these where taken at 3 and 4 o’clock in the morning. Yes you read right I’ll explain as we go further on.
Yes the 8, 100 square foot panels had to finished after business hours as the original plan was to work on one side while the patrons shopped the other side. Most people love to watch artists at work and it was going to be part of the promotional aspect of the job but the Waterside Property management wouldn’t allow it which forced the closing of the store while the work was to be completed. Yes you have probably already figured out where this is going.
However it does get somewhat better as we go and will explain further about what happened in the Great Waterside Shop Adventure was truly a nightmare on my end of the deal, but hey as long as the other two are happy then two out of three aren’t bad I suppose lol
As it turned out it was going to put four of my commissions very close together and although the Luster Stone was completed on the Isabella Fashion Store was completed it just so happened that it also force stacked my other three (two commercial and one residential) on top of one another where I had no choice but to work all three at the same time, following this Waterside Shop Remodel lol.

One of the tough areas of this work was the shelving slots. They all had to stay perfectly clean which meant each stainless steel strip had to be taped and cut individually to make sure each slot did not get filled with the Luster Stone plaster and had to come out flawless. Yes I know what you’re thinking, and yes it was a huge pain and very tedious work but as you can see it came out perfect.

Here’s what my hours looked like after the completion of this Luster Stone work at Isabella Waterside Shop location in Naples Fl. as it stacked my work schedule as a result. However the end results were beautiful which was the most important part as far as I am concerned, If you are local you should stop by Isabella’s and take a look for yourself to really appreciate the glow of the Luster Stone especially during the evening hours.
So after I completed the epic tale of the Luster Stone Meets High Fashion, the following is what happened to my schedule as it put me in a bind for my next three projects and forced me into a situation that I could handle easily 20 or 30 years ago but this was the last time I worked under these conditions after pulling all three together and made them work as well.
Residential job 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. then restaurant mural; 3:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. and then a jewelry store from; 10:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m. home by 5:00 a.m. to check email and hopefully in bed by 6:00 or 6:30 but usually I would find myself face first on my keyboard with my nose pressing down on the “B” or “V” key creating the largest email frames I have ever seen lmao.

So anyway I hope you all enjoy these photos as I am not going to go into great detail with this post as I have more commissions on the way to post about
Luster Stone Meets High Fashion in the commercial remodel side of things is of no surprise but to see it well done is yet another thing all together. Luster Stone can be a bit temperamental and it does take practice to learn how it work with it and understand what it’s saying to you. At different times of the day you must feed and water it to keep it happy. One thing you don’t want is the plaster getting mean and ugly with you.
Your thinking I’m a nut huh? That’s cool Alice thinks the same thing and the Cheshire Cat fears me, heheheh but I have fun.

So there you have it folks the epic tale of how
2 thoughts on “Luster Stone Meets High Fashion”
Have had a great time looking at your body of work. Really excellent. I have been using FF products since ’95 when they were just starting. On most of your work I see how, but this one eludes me. The light does not do it justice obviously. Why not photograph the original sample board if you still have it. Looking at your excellent website I must convert mine as it has been static since 2002.
Peter I do agree with you on the lighting and I am improving my equipment as we speak. I am going with a much higher end quality camera (Sony) and kicking it up to the 4K quality as I kick up my marketing more. I have added much more to the site to improve it’s visibility and navigational purposes but still have a long way to go. Thanks for the insights they are always valuable to me.